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Service Center

Bioskin Italy S.r.l. is an authorized service center for all devices Lutronic, dermatoscopes 3Gen DermLite systems videodermatoscopy Derma Medical Systems, Conmed and Dr. Hönle and PUVA phototherapy for devices. In particular:

  • LUTRONIC: repairs of all kinds, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, spare parts and consumables, power measurements and alignments, electric safety checks.
  • DERMA MEDICAL SYSTEMS: repairs of all kinds, software and hardware upgrades, customized solutions, spare parts warehouse, data recovery.
  • DERMLITE 3GEN: battery replacement, repairs of any kind
  • DAAVLIN, PUVA AND DR.HONLE : replacement tubes UVA and UVB rays, calibration, repairs and replacement lamps.


For further information write to: assistenza@bioskin.it