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Important customer information

Prices and availability indicated in the catalog are subject while stocks last and are subject to change without notice

1 Orders are not binding on BIOSKIN Italy Srl in its sole discretion, even if the order is accepted, however, it appears has the right to terminate the contract or to suspend the execution at any time without notice and without that nothing is due to 'buyer or by way of compensation for the withdrawal or by way of damages.

2 The terms of delivery, if shown, are indicative value only and never exhaustive, any delay can never be a source of compensation for the damage or cause for termination of the contract.

3 BIOSKIN Italy. LTD gets rid of the delivery, putting the goods to the shipper and / or carrier for transport
The ownership of the goods is transferred at the time of delivery to the shipper and / or carrier. If the package is not intact, that is damaged or has obvious signs of tampering or open package you have to tell the carrier that delivered the package and sign the letter adding the words "SUBJECT". This allows you to protect if there should be any kind of abnormality after opening the package. Only in the latter case we must report the incident via fax or email to the local office of the courier.
In case of theft or loss of goods secured with ns. forwarder, BIOSKIN Italy S.r.l. forward the practice of reimbursement request to the Carrier after 30 days from the date of shipment; all this in the light of the insured agreements signed with our carriers. It is the faculty of the client, only in the event of theft or loss of insured goods to request a resend of the material ordered, or refund the value of the material shipped (excluding shipping charges) only after 30 days (and not over 60 days) from the date of shipment.

The shipments marked as a "standard" for an initial delivery attempt (possible throughout the day) and, in the case of recipient absent, a second attempt to return to the same conditions.

Any costs incurred in storage at the courier due to the repeated absence of the recipient shall be deemed sole responsibility of the customer who purchased the product.

4 The guarantee for the goods sold is limited solely to the repair or replacement of components of the equipment that manufacturers recognize defective in manufacture or materials.
All in accordance with the terms, conditions, rules and procedures of the warranty for each product.

5 The prices are those resulting from official lists, if any, in force at the time of dispatch of the goods or the ones normally applied by manufacturers. This is without prejudice to any more favorable conditions practiced by BIOSKIN Italy Srl
By submitting the order form you will receive an automatic email with the order confirmation. This e-mail has the sole purpose of notifying the receipt of the order. In consideration of the particular rapidity of change in the computer market, it is possible that some offers or articles, are meanwhile sold out or have undergone changes in features or price. We reserve the right in this case to contact you in the shortest time possible to cancel the order (no charge for both sides) and possibly offer you a product or an alternative price.

All prices are including VAT but showed also VAT excluded.

6 The terms and mode of payment indicated on the invoice issued at the time of shipment, are to be considered mandatory, in particular, the terms are considered essential in the interests of BIOSKIN Italy Srl In any case BIOSKIN S.r.l. Italy always has the right to request the execution of the contract without the burden of communication of art. 1457 of the Civil Code Payments made by the terms and conditions other than those indicated in the invoice, even if accepted, will the value of mere tolerance. In no case invoices will be issued after the shipment of the material.

7 The payment made by cashier's checks and / or bank, even if this method proves to order, takes place at the sole risk of the buyer in the sense that he is not released from his obligation to pay if you do not test the 'happened actually collected by BIOSKIN Italy Srl
Notwithstanding the foregoing, is also understood in the case of theft and / or loss of checks sent by customers, even after they have reached seavvenuti BIOSKIN Italy Srl, the latter is already as of now it is expressly exempted from any liability in this respect is from having to turn to ask for duplicate checks and / or amortization of the same.

8 The customer will not be able to propose questions or raise objections, against BIOSKIN Italy Srl until you have paid the entire amount due on the same principal, interest and expenses in relation to supplies of goods carried out, and in any case every answer against BIOSKIN Italy Srl to be proposed in separate proceedings.

9 offers, discounts or gifts are not cumulative. The special offers are subject to availability and may be in promotional packaging (box, manuals, etc.).

The gift is not replaced in any case. Technical assistance on the item as a gift is not provided.