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Occhiali Laser Dentali

Certified Laser Goggles for Dental Applications for patient and operator.

Nd:Yag Infrared Laser Protection Glasses Nd:Yag Laser Glasses NoIR LaserShields YG3#34 Nd:Yag Infrared Laser...

Nd:Yag Infrared Laser Protection Glasses

Price Ft97,333.11
Ft79,781.24 VAT Excl.

Nd Yag infrared laser light protection glasses , with case, shoulder strap and microfiber cleaning cloth. Model YG3#34 NoIR Laser Company

Laser Excimer protection glasses Excimer Laser Glasses NoIR LaserShields

Laser Excimer protection glasses

Price Ft72,877.56
Ft59,735.70 VAT Excl.

Excimer laser light safety goggles , with case, shoulder strap and microfibre cloth for cleaning. Model EC2#34 or EC2#51 NoIR Laser Company

CO2 Laser protection glasses CO2 laser glasses NoIR LaserShields

CO2 Laser protection glasses

Price Ft95,376.67
Ft78,177.60 VAT Excl.

10600nm CO2 laser light safety glasses , with case, shoulder strap and microfiber cleaning cloth. Model EC3#34 or EC3#51 NoIR Laser Company

Diode Infrared Laser Safety Glasses Laser Diode Glasses NoIR LaserShields

Diode Infrared Laser Safety Glasses

Price Ft116,897.56
Ft95,817.67 VAT Excl.

Diode Infrared laser light Safety Glasses , with case, strap and micro-fiber cloth for cleaning.Model DI8#34 and DI8#51NoIR Laser Company