Manual Wood Lamp with Lens
$290.26 VAT Excl.
Manual Wood's lamp for diagnostic skin examinations, equipped with magnifying glass.
Manual Wood's lamp for diagnostic skin examinations, equipped with magnifying glass.
Wood's lamp with lens on trolley for diagnostic skin tests, equipped with magnifying glass.
Dermlite Lumio UV with the power of 40 ultraviolet LEDs , is a modern reincarnation of a classic Wood lamp.
Professional Wood's lamp MedLight manual for skin diagnostic tests.
Waldmann Opticlux is a powerful examination lamp with a 153 mm lens and 3.5 diopters for clear and in-depth vision.
Waldmann Opticlux is a powerful examination lamp with 153 mm lens and 3.5 diopters for ceiling mounting.
Waldmann Opticlux HAND is a powerful battery-operated manual examination lamp, 160 mm lens and 3.5 diopters for clear and in-depth vision.
DermLite Lumio 2 is the 2.3X polarized examination lens with white, wood and ultraviolet illumination, ideal for general skin examinations, where a deep, reflection-free image is essential.