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Europe Shipping / International Shipping

Shipping your package

We use only PREMIUM Carriers for European Community delivery ( TNT - FEDEX - DHL - UPS ) and for International Shippings outside the European Community and Worldwide

Packages are usually shipped within the deadline indicated in the ordered product sheet (this deadline is indicated in working days), upon receipt of payment, and sent via courier with control and delivery with signature. Whatever type of shipping you choose, we will guarantee you a link to check the route of your package online.

Shipping costs include packaging and postage costs. Packaging and shipping costs are fixed and depending by your country. We recommend grouping your items into one order. We cannot group two distinct orders placed separately, and shipping costs will be applied to each of them. Your package will be sent under your responsibility, but special attention is paid to fragile items, The boxes are reasonably sized and your items are well protected.

Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive from our customers:

How long will it take for me to receive the ordered material?

The shipment of the goods takes place within 24/48 hours of the order subject to warehouse availability, some difficult destinations may require up to 2-3 days hours from the moment of collection at our warehouses.

Does someone have to be present when the goods are delivered?

Yes, it is necessary for the delivery to take place in the presence of the recipient who must also sign the courier's document, this is necessary to guarantee the safety of the ordered material

How do I know the availability of the ordered material?

Generally the consumables are available in stock for 90% of the catalog references. If your order contains an item not in stock, we will notify you when placing it.

What days do you deliver?

Standard deliveries take place from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 6.00pm. Orders placed before 3.00pm are usually delivered the same day.

Will you notify me before shipping?

When the material is entrusted to the courier, you will receive a notification via email from the latter with the shipment data and the contact details to use to follow it or contact the relevant branch.

Bioskin Italy. Srl frees itself from the obligation of delivery by returning the goods to the forwarder and/or carrier for transport.

Ownership of the goods transfers upon delivery to the shipper and/or carrier. In the event of a package that is not intact, or damaged or with obvious signs of tampering or with an open package, it is necessary to point this out to the courier who delivers the package and sign the waybill adding the words "WITH RESERVE". This allows you to protect yourself if any type of anomaly is found after opening the package. Only in the latter case will it be necessary to report the incident via fax or email to the local courier office.

In case of theft or loss of traveling goods insured with our. courier agreement, Bioskin Italia Srl will forward the refund request procedure to the Carrier after 30 days from the date of shipment; all this in light of the insurance agreements conventionally signed with our carriers. The customer has the right, exclusively in the event of theft or loss of insured goods, to request a new shipment of the ordered material, or the reimbursement of the value of the material sent (excluding shipping costs), only after 30 days (and not beyond 60 days) starting from the date of shipment.

Shipments marked as "standard" include a first delivery attempt (possible throughout the day) and, in the case of an absent recipient, a second redelivery attempt under the same conditions.